This little note pad on the right started out from a dollar tree item and I took some basic thin chip board, you can use ceral box and wrapped it with a piece of card stock. I chose a school theme, my son will be sending this off to a teacher friend. After the top layer was placed on I put on a second piece to the back side to cover the rough edges. The chipboard and the cardstock front layer is larger than the paper stack. They will wrap over the back then it gets covered by a second layer to neaten up the item. If this makes since!
Ok... Now the frog item is just a 4x6 plexi frame turned upside and I only attached a small sticky note to it. I am always dropping or loosing mine. two of my kids do K-12 virtual school and they write down the time they are in class on them , so we use a lot of them also. So my dd said she wanted to buy me a new one and I said she could help make one for me. I gave her a dollar. She giggled and said what could she do with that? I pointed to the plexi frame and said lets get this! We went home and I showed her what a few of you wonderful crafters have done with yours. She is is working on hers. She is 14 years old. Bless her heart! <3
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